Dr Todor of Orthodontist SF

Top Orthodonists for Correcting Bites, Occlusion, and Straitness of Teeth

People frequently equate a flawless smile with excellent health. It is true that your dental health has a significant impact in your overall health. Malocclusion, or misaligned teeth, can cause dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and chewing that is difficult or unpleasant.

Not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. If you have an improper bite or significant gaps between your teeth, you may wish to contact an orthodontist. A dentist trained to identify, prevent, and treat tooth and jaw anomalies is an orthodontist.

They are taught to detect issues that may arise in the future and to rectify present circumstances. Orthodontists treat patients of various ages, including children and adults.

Comprehensive Oral Evaluation

The first step is evaluating your overall oral health in order to ensure the safest tooth movements and preferred results. This is done by gathering an accurate orthodontic diagnosis and a treatment plan is customized to your specific situation.

Orthodontic Services

Orthodontists SF treats children and adults of all ages and backgrounds and will recommend treatment that perfectly fits your specific lifestyle and needs, offering evening and weekend hours.

Post-Orthodontic Refinements

Once your teeth are straight and set in place, Orthodontists SF provides further balance and enhancement to patients' profiles through soft-tissue modification as part of their comprehensive smile design.

Cosmetic Touch-Ups

In order to provide the most comprehensive, convenient, and best aesthetically pleasing results, Orthodontists SF offers a wide range of additional cosmetics services so that you will never stop smiling.

Your smile is the greatest gift of all!